Monday, June 2, 2008


so, the last post was a bit...vitriolic.  Forgive me.  Or don't, whatever, it was fun.

in other news, I have finally delved into the farming business.  Although on a radically miniaturized scale.  I have 2 tomato plants, 3 peppers (1 was destroyed when I dropped it's pot on the floor) and a perfectly excitable basil.  They seem to be thriving thus far as i can tell.  But they are still young'uns and need much attention before they yield me some goods.  

What will I do with all the product?  I was thinking maybe of setting up a fire escape farmer's market.  Just lob veggies to my neighbors below.  They could ball up small paper currency and slingshot it up to my 3rd floor window.  Sounds like a plan.

Be Well.


literate vertebrate said...

too bad you couldn't show the same care for my poor, dead japanese maple! right now it's just a stick in a pot. yes, stick in a pot will be my snl response parody.

Luke Weiss said...

my maple seems to be coming back to life! i think it responded to vegetative neighbors positively.

Karina said...

mine is slowly dying as well... I don't think they transplanted very well...

But I do quite enjoy the little garden you got going outside your window... perhaps when your tomatoes start to grow we can throw them at the real world brooklyn cast members. Yes, that is a good plan indeed.